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No. 4 of Five Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Endangering Public Security Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Qi [REDACTED]hua—Severely punishing the primary persons liable for work safety accidents (case of a major liability accident)
  • Legal document: Judgment
  • Judgment date: 04-29-2022
No. 4 of Five Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Endangering Public Security Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Qi [REDACTED]hua (case of a major liability accident)—Severely punishing the primary persons liable for work safety accidents 最高人民法院发布5个依法惩治危害公共安全犯罪典型案例之四:祁某华重大责任事故案——从严惩处生产安全事故首要责任人
1. Basic Facts (一)基本案情
Juxian Hotel, located on the side of Taoyun Road in the southwest of Chenzhuang Village, Taosi Township, Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province, was invested and managed by Defendant Qi [REDACTED]hua. In 1993, without obtaining the approval procedures for collectively-owned land for construction, Qi [REDACTED]hua built a two-story building on the responsibility field contracted by his family. After several illegal expansions, the existing size and shape were formed in 2016, namely the five rooms on the first and second floors of the south house, two rooms in the west bungalow, and five rooms on the first and second floors of the north house; furthermore, there was a double-layer space structure between the north and south houses built with prefabricated panels on the top of the first floor and with color steel tiles on the top of the second floor. The first-floor space was used for hotel operation (i.e., as a banquet hall), and the second floor for living, with a gross floor area of 1,157.05 square meters. All previous expansions of Juxian Hotel were undertaken by unqualified contractors as required by Qi [REDACTED]hua, or by relatives and friends hired by Qi [REDACTED]hua. And there were no professional design, project supervision, completion acceptance, relevant materials, or maintenance records for the expansions. During Qi [REDACTED]hua's illegal occupation of land to build the houses, he obtained the unapproved Land Use Certificate for Collectively-Owned Land for Construction twice through improper means, and refused to implement the penalty decision issued by the former Land and Resources Bureau of Xiangfen County and the administrative ruling issued by the People's Court of Xiangfen County. Farmhouses that failed to be professionally designed and constructed and to be subject to completion acceptance were used for business activities, and since the opening of the hotel, there have been some cases where business operations continue without renewing the business license. 山西省襄汾县陶寺乡陈庄村西南陶云公路边的聚仙饭店由被告人祁某华投资经营。1993年,祁某华在未取得集体土地建设用地审批手续的情况下,在其家庭承包的责任田上自建两层建筑物,后经多次违规扩建于2016年形成现有规制,包括南房上下二层五间、西平房二间、北房上下五间、南北房之间一层顶部由预制板搭建二层顶部由彩钢瓦搭建形成的双层空间,其中一层空间用于饭店经营(即宴会厅)、二层空间住人,总建筑面积达1157.05平方米。聚仙饭店历次扩建均由无资质包工头按照祁某华的要求承建或由祁某华聘请亲朋好友自建,扩建活动无专业设计、无工程监理、无竣工验收、无相关资料、无维护记录。祁某华违法占用土地建设房屋期间,两次通过不正当手段取得未经审批的《集体土地建设使用证》,拒不执行原襄汾县国土资源局下达的处罚决定书和襄汾县人民法院下达的行政裁定书;将未经专业设计与施工、未经过竣工验收的农房用于从事经营活动,饭店开业以来存在证照逾期经营行为。
...... 2020年8月29日,襄汾县陶寺乡安李村村民在聚仙饭店举办寿宴,预定了25桌宴席。按照当地习俗,寿宴安排早、午两餐。早餐后,数十名村民在聚仙饭店宴会厅内打牌、聊天或者在北楼后院看戏,等候午宴。当日9时40分许,因建筑结构整体性差,承重砖柱及北楼二层屋面荷载严重超载,聚仙饭店宴会厅、北楼二层南半部分和钢结构采光顶棚突然发生坍塌,造成29人死亡、28人受伤,直接经济损失1164.35万元。经山西省人民政府批准组成事故调查组调查认定,聚仙饭店“8·29”坍塌事故是一起因违法违规占地建设,且在无专业设计、无资质施工的情形下,多次盲目改造扩建,建筑物工程质量存在严重缺陷,导致在经营活动中部分建筑物坍塌的重大生产安全责任事故。事故直接原因为,聚仙饭店建筑结构整体性差,经多次加建后,使宴会厅东北角承重砖柱Ⅲ长期处于高应力状态;北楼二层A区屋面预制板长期处于超荷载状态,在其上部高炉水渣保温层的持续压力下,发生脆性断裂,形成对宴会厅顶板的猛烈冲击,导致东北角承重砖柱Ⅲ崩塌,最终造成北楼二层南半部分和宴会厅整体坍塌。事故发生时,不排除当地八月份强降雨的影响。

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