Case of an Application for State Compensation for an Unjust Arrest Filed by Zhu Hongwei | | 朱红蔚申请广东省人民检察院无罪逮捕国家赔偿案 |
[Judgment Abstract] | | [裁判摘要] |
The amended State Compensation Law has canceled the prepositive procedure for determination of compensation. Where a claimant for compensation deems that the organ liable for compensation infringes on his personal rights or property rights, he may directly raise a claim for state compensation. In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Implementation of the State Compensation Law by the People's Courts, where the compensation committee of the people's court modifies the compensation decision as made by the organ liable for compensation that has not come into force, the compensation for infringement on personal freedom shall be calculated according to the national standard of the average daily wages for employees in the previous year when such compensation decision was made. Article 35 of the State Compensation Law clarifies compensation for mental distress. The amount of compensation for mental distress may be determined in light of the means, occasion, ways, and other specific circumstances of the infringement, the impacts caused by such infringement, the consultation and coordination progress as well as the average local living standards. | | 修正的国家赔偿法取消了赔偿确认前置程序,赔偿请求人认为赔偿义务机关侵犯其人身权、财产权的,可以直接提出国家赔偿请求。根据最高人民法院《关于人民法院执行<中华人民共和国国家赔偿法>几个问题的解释》第六条规定,人民法院赔偿委员会变更赔偿义务机关尚未生效的赔偿决定,应按照人民法院赔偿委员会作出赔偿决定时的上年度全国职工日平均工资标准,计算侵犯人身自由的赔偿金。国家赔偿法第三十五条明确了精神损害赔偿。对于精神损害抚慰金数额,可根据侵害的手段、场合、行为方式等具体情节,结合侵权行为造成的影响、协商协调情况及当地平均生活水平等予以确定。 |
The Compensation Committee of the Supreme People's Court | | 最高人民法院赔偿委员会 |
State Compensation Decision | | 国家赔偿决定书 |
No. 4 [2011], Compensation Committee, SPC | | (2011)法委赔字第4号 |
Claimant for compensation: Zhu Hongwei, male, born on June 25, 1960, of Han nationality, chairman of the board of directors of Shenzhen Yihe Co., Ltd., domiciled in Room 302, Building No. 15, Zhaoshang North Road, Shekou Industrial Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. | | 赔偿请求人:朱红蔚。 |
Attorney: Li Shuanghui, lawyer from Guangdong Cheng Gong Law Firm. | | 委托代理人:李双慧,广东诚公律师事务所律师。 |
Attorney: Xu Longsheng, assistant lawyer from Guangdong Cheng Gong Law Firm. | | 委托代理人:许龙生,广东诚公律师事务所律师助理。 |
Organ liable for compensation: the People's Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, domiciled in No. 1 Huaqiang Road, Zhujiang New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. | | 赔偿义务机关:广东省人民检察院。 |
Legal representative: Zheng Hong, chief procurator of the Procuratorate. | | 法定代表人:郑红,该院检察长。 |
Attorney: Shen Bingyou, director of the State Compensation Office of the Procuratorate. | | 委托代理人:沈丙友,该院国家赔偿工作办公室主任。 |
Reconsideration organ: The Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China, domiciled in No. 147, Beiheyan Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing Municipality. | | 复议机关:中华人民共和国最高人民检察院。 |
Legal representative: Cao Jianming, Chief Procurator of the Procuratorate. | | 法定代表人:曹建明,该院检察长。 |
For a case of an application for state compensation for unjust arrest filed by Zhu Hongwei, claimant for compensation, Zhu Hongwei refused to accept the criminal compensation decision (No. 1 [2011], Compensation Decision, People's Procuratorate, Guangdong) made by the People's Procuratorate of Guangdong Province on July 19, 2011 and applied to the Supreme People's Procuratorate for reconsideration. As the Supreme People's Procuratorate failed to make a reconsideration decision within the prescribed time limit, Zhu Hongwei applied to the Compensation Committee of the Supreme People's Court ("SPC") for making a compensation decision. The Compensation Committee of the SPC tried this case in accordance with the law and the trial has been concluded. | | 赔偿请求人朱红蔚申请无罪逮捕国家赔偿一案,不服广东省人民检察院2011年 7月19日作出的粤检赔决[2011]1号刑事赔偿决定,向最高人民检察院申请复议。最高人民检察院逾期未作复议决定,朱红蔚向本院赔偿委员会申请作出赔偿决定。本院赔偿委员会依法对本案进行了审理,现已审理终结。 |
...... | | 朱红蔚申请称:其任深圳一和实业有限公司(以下简称深圳一和公司)董事长兼法定代表人,并经营有无锡一和机电有限公司,被羁押前收入丰厚且有较高社会地位及声誉。检察机关的错误羁押致使其被扣押宝马轿车报废,个人房产和公司厂房被法院错误拍卖,银行信用卡欠款逾期未还,社会保险、专利权失效,公司无法上市,工程账款未收取,所持公司股权被冻结;其年迈母亲因无人照顾摔成重伤,时年18岁女儿患抑郁症至今未愈;其遭受了极大的物质损失和精神损害,但广东省人民检察院仅决定赔偿侵犯人身自由的赔偿金,对其他赔偿请求未予支持。故申请本院赔偿委员会作出赔偿决定:1.维持广东省人民检察院支付侵犯人身自由873天的赔偿金 124 254.09元的决定;2.广东省人民检察院在深圳、无锡以登报方式赔礼道歉、消除影响、恢复名誉,并赔偿精神损害抚慰金 200万元;3.广东省人民检察院赔付被扣押车辆损失、被拍卖房产损失、职务工资损失、银行信用卡欠款本息、社会保险费、公司无法上市损失、应收工程账款损失共计 2931.077万元;4.对深圳一和公司解除股权查封,恢复专利权,免除4年税赋,延长特种产品许可期4年,解除与刑事案件举报人万春红的投资关系。 |
| | 广东省人民检察院答辩称:朱红蔚被无罪羁押873天,广东省人民检察院依法决定支付侵犯人身自由的赔偿金 124 254.09元,已向朱红蔚当面道歉,并为帮助朱红蔚恢复经营走访了相关工商管理部门及向有关银行出具情况说明。广东省人民检察院未参与涉案车辆的扣押,不应对此承担赔偿责任。朱红蔚未能提供精神损害后果严重的证据,其要求支付精神损害抚慰金的请求不应予支持。其他请求不属于国家赔偿范围。广东省人民检察院作出的粤检赔决[2011]1号刑事赔偿决定并无不当,应予维持。 |
| | 本院赔偿委员会经审理查明:2005年 7月25日,广东省深圳市公安局以涉嫌犯合同诈骗罪将朱红蔚刑事拘留。同年8月 24日,广东省深圳市人民检察院作出不予批准逮捕决定。同月26日,朱红蔚被取保候审。2006年5月26日,广东省人民检察院以粤检侦监核[2006]4号复核决定书批准逮捕朱红蔚。同年6月1日,朱红蔚被执行逮捕。2007年2月13日,深圳市人民检察院以深检公二刑诉[2007]31号起诉书向广东省深圳市中级人民法院提起公诉,指控朱红蔚犯合同诈骗罪。2008年9月11日,深圳市中级人民法院以指控依据不足为由作出(2007)深中法刑二初字第74号刑事判决,宣告朱红蔚无罪。同月19日,朱红蔚被释放。同月25日,深圳市人民检察院以深检公二刑抗[2008]16号刑事抗诉书向广东省高级人民法院提出抗诉。案件审理过程中,广东省人民检察院认为抗诉不当,向广东省高级人民法院撤回抗诉。 2010年3月25日,广东省高级人民法院作出(2008)粤高法刑二终字第326号刑事裁定,准许广东省人民检察院撤回抗诉。朱红蔚被羁押时间共计875天。 |
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