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Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status, Rights and Interests of Military Personnel [Effective]
中华人民共和国军人地位和权益保障法 [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 86) (第八十六号)

The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status, Rights and Interests of Military Personnel, as adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on June 10, 2021, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on August 1, 2021. 《中华人民共和国军人地位和权益保障法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议于2021年6月10日通过,现予公布,自2021年8月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
June 10, 2021 2021年6月10日
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Status, Rights and Interests of Military Personnel 中华人民共和国军人地位和权益保障法
(Adopted at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on June 10, 2021) (2021年6月10日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议通过)
Table of Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Status of Military Personnel 第二章 军人地位
Chapter III Honor Maintenance 第三章 荣誉维护
Chapter IV Guarantee of Benefits 第四章 待遇保障
Chapter V Pension and Preferential Treatment 第五章 抚恤优待
Chapter VI Legal Liability 第六章 法律责任
Chapter VII Supplemental Provisions 第七章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is developed in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of protecting the status and lawful rights and interests of military personnel, encouraging military personnel to fulfill their duties and missions, making military service an occupation that enjoys public respect, and pushing forward the modernization of national defense and armed forces.   第一条 为了保障军人地位和合法权益,激励军人履行职责使命,让军人成为全社会尊崇的职业,促进国防和军队现代化建设,根据宪法,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, “military personnel” means officers, non-commissioned officers, compulsory servicepersons and other personnel serving in the Chinese People's Liberation Army.   第二条 本法所称军人,是指在中国人民解放军服现役的军官、军士、义务兵等人员。
Article 3 Military personnel shoulder the sacred duties and lofty missions of upholding China's national sovereignty, security, and development interests and safeguarding the peaceful labor of the people.   第三条 军人肩负捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益和保卫人民的和平劳动的神圣职责和崇高使命。
Article 4 Military service is an occupation that enjoys public respect. The state and society respect and provide preferential treatment to military personnel, ensure that military personnel enjoy the status, rights and interests commensurate with their professional characteristics, the duties and missions they shoulder and the contributions they make, and carry out various forms of activities to support the military and provide preferential treatment to the families of military personnel on a regular basis.   第四条 军人是全社会尊崇的职业。国家和社会尊重、优待军人,保障军人享有与其职业特点、担负职责使命和所做贡献相称的地位和权益,经常开展各种形式的拥军优属活动。
All state organs, armed forces, political parties and mass groups and organizations, enterprises and public institutions, social organizations and other organizations shall assume the responsibilities for protecting the status, rights and interests of military personnel according to the law, and all citizens shall safeguard the lawful rights and interests of military personnel according to the law. 一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和群团组织、企业事业单位、社会组织和其他组织都有依法保障军人地位和权益的责任,全体公民都应当依法维护军人合法权益。
Article 5 The protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel shall adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, take serving the enhancement of combat effectiveness of armed forces as the fundamental aim, and follow the principles of unification of rights and obligations, combination of material guarantee and spiritual motivation, and match the level of protection with national economic and social development.   第五条 军人地位和权益保障工作,坚持中国共产党的领导,以服务军队战斗力建设为根本目的,遵循权利与义务相统一、物质保障与精神激励相结合、保障水平与国民经济和社会发展相适应的原则。
Article 6 The Political Affairs Department of the Central Military Commission, the veterans affairs department of the State Council, relevant central and state organs, and the relevant departments of the Central Military Commission shall effectively conduct the work concerning the protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel according to the division of their functions.   第六条 中央军事委员会政治工作部门、国务院退役军人工作主管部门以及中央和国家有关机关、中央军事委员会有关部门按照职责分工做好军人地位和权益保障工作。
The local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel within their respective administrative regions. The political affairs departments of military entities at or above the regimental level shall be responsible for the protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel of their entities. 县级以上地方各级人民政府负责本行政区域内有关军人地位和权益保障工作。军队团级以上单位政治工作部门负责本单位的军人地位和权益保障工作。
Provincial military commands (guard commands and garrison commands), military sub-commands (garrison commands) and the people's armed forces departments of counties, autonomous counties, cities, and municipal districts shall be responsible for the contact and coordination between the people' governments and military entities within the administrative regions where they are located in terms of the protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel, and establish work coordination mechanisms as needed 省军区(卫戍区、警备区)、军分区(警备区)和县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民武装部,负责所在行政区域人民政府与军队单位之间军人地位和权益保障方面的联系协调工作,并根据需要建立工作协调机制。
The township (town) people's governments, sub-district offices, and self-governing mass organizations at the basic level shall effectively conduct the work concerning the protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel according to their respective functions. 乡镇人民政府、街道办事处、基层群众性自治组织应当按照职责做好军人地位和权益保障工作。
Article 7 The funds needed for the protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel shall be included in budgets by the central and local governments under the principle of matching powers with expenditure responsibilities.   第七条 军人地位和权益保障所需经费,由中央和地方按照事权和支出责任相适应的原则列入预算。
Article 8 Relevant central and state organs, local people's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments, and military organs at all levels shall take the performance in protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel as an important content in the evaluation of the work of supporting the military and providing preferential treatment to the families of military personnel and the work of supporting the government and cherishing the people, among others, and in the assessment and evaluation of the persons in charge and staff members of relevant entities.   第八条 中央和国家有关机关、县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门、军队各级机关,应当将军人地位和权益保障工作情况作为拥军优属、拥政爱民等工作评比和有关单位负责人以及工作人员考核评价的重要内容。
Article 9 The state encourages and directs mass groups and organizations, enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, individuals and other social forces to provide support for the protection of the rights and interests of military personnel by donations, voluntary services, and other means according to the law, and those meeting prescribed conditions may enjoy tax preferences and other policies according to the law.   第九条 国家鼓励和引导群团组织、企业事业单位、社会组织、个人等社会力量依法通过捐赠、志愿服务等方式为军人权益保障提供支持,符合规定条件的,依法享受税收优惠等政策。
Article 10 August 1 each year is the Army Day of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. The people's governments and military entities at all levels shall organize and conduct celebrations, commemorations and other activities on the Army Day.   第十条 每年8月1日为中国人民解放军建军节。各级人民政府和军队单位应当在建军节组织开展庆祝、纪念等活动。
Article 11 The entities and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the protection of the status, rights and interests of military personnel shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant provisions issued by the state.   第十一条 对在军人地位和权益保障工作中做出突出贡献的单位和个人,按照国家有关规定给予表彰、奖励。
Chapter II Status of Military Personnel 

第二章 军人地位

Article 12 As basic members of China's armed forces led by the Communist Party of China, military personnel must be loyal to the motherland and to the Communist Party of China, follow the Party's command, resolutely obey orders, and conscientiously fulfill the important duties and missions of consolidating the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system.   第十二条 军人是中国共产党领导的国家武装力量基本成员,必须忠于祖国,忠于中国共产党,听党指挥,坚决服从命令,认真履行巩固中国共产党的领导和社会主义制度的重要职责使命。
Article 13 As the people's army, military personnel should love the people, serve the people wholeheartedly, protect the life and property of the people, and come forward courageously and make every effort to rescue and provide assistance to the people when their lives and property are seriously threatened.   第十三条 军人是人民子弟兵,应当热爱人民,全心全意为人民服务,保卫人民生命财产安全,当遇到人民群众生命财产受到严重威胁时,挺身而出、积极救助。
Article 14 As a strong force to safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, military personnel shall have the fighting spirit, capabilities and quality required for fortifying national defense, resisting aggression and defending the motherland, keep themselves in readiness according to actual combat requirements, practice hard the skills to fight enemies, fear no sacrifice, be able to fight and win wars, and resolutely accomplish tasks.   第十四条 军人是捍卫国家主权、统一、领土完整的坚强力量,应当具备巩固国防、抵抗侵略、保卫祖国所需的战斗精神和能力素质,按照实战要求始终保持戒备状态,苦练杀敌本领,不怕牺牲,能打胜仗,坚决完成任务。
Article 15 As an important force in the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics, military personnel shall devote themselves to the cause of building a modern socialist China in an all-round way and participate in emergency rescue and response according to the law.   第十五条 军人是中国特色社会主义现代化建设的重要力量,应当积极投身全面建设社会主义现代化国家的事业,依法参加突发事件的应急救援和处置工作。
Article 16 Military personnel shall enjoy the political rights prescribed by the Constitution and laws, participate in the election of members of the organ of state power according to the law, and participate in the administration of state affairs, economic and cultural undertakings and social affairs according to the law.   第十六条 军人享有宪法和法律规定的政治权利,依法参加国家权力机关组成人员选举,依法参加管理国家事务、管理经济和文化事业、管理社会事务。
Article 17 Armed forces shall maintain the unity between officers and soldiers, and all military personnel shall be equal in both politics and personality, and respect and equally treat each other.   第十七条 军队实行官兵一致,军人之间在政治和人格上一律平等,应当互相尊重、平等对待。
Armed forces shall establish and improve military personnel representatives' conferences, military personnel committees and other democratic system to guarantee military personnel's rights to know, to participate, to offer suggestions, and to supervise. 军队建立健全军人代表会议、军人委员会等民主制度,保障军人知情权、参与权、建议权和监督权。
Article 18 Military personnel must abide by the Constitution and laws in an exemplary way, earnestly fulfill citizens' obligations prescribed by the Constitution and laws, strictly abide by military laws and regulations and military discipline, maintain excellent conduct, and take the lead in practicing core socialist values.   第十八条 军人必须模范遵守宪法和法律,认真履行宪法和法律规定的公民义务,严格遵守军事法规、军队纪律,作风优良,带头践行社会主义核心价值观。
Article 19 The state provides guarantee for military personnel's performance of their duties, and military personnel's legal performance of their duties shall be protected by law.   第十九条 国家为军人履行职责提供保障,军人依法履行职责的行为受法律保护。
Where military personnel infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons or other organizations due to the performance of tasks, the state shall make compensation or provide indemnity in accordance with relevant provisions. 军人因执行任务给公民、法人或者其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,按照有关规定由国家予以赔偿或者补偿。
Citizens, legal persons and other organizations shall provide necessary support and assistance for military personnel's performance of their duties according to the law. 公民、法人和其他组织应当为军人依法履行职责提供必要的支持和协助。
Article 20 The specific rights and interests enjoyed and the specific obligations assumed by military personnel due to performance of their duties shall be prescribed by this Law and relevant laws and regulations.   第二十条 军人因履行职责享有的特定权益、承担的特定义务,由本法和有关法律法规规定。
Chapter III Honor Maintenance 

第三章 荣誉维护

Article 21 Military honors are the commendation of and incentives for military personnel's devotion to the development of national defense and the armed forces and to China's socialist modernization, and the spiritual power to boost the morale of military personnel and enhances the combat effectiveness of armed forces.   第二十一条 军人荣誉是国家、社会对军人献身国防和军队建设、社会主义现代化建设的褒扬和激励,是鼓舞军人士气、提升军队战斗力的精神力量。
The state safeguards the honors of military personnel and encourages military personnel to uphold and cherish honors. 国家维护军人荣誉,激励军人崇尚和珍惜荣誉。
Article 22 Armed forces shall intensify education in patriotism, collectivism and revolutionary heroism, strengthen the sense of honor of military personnel, cultivate revolutionary military personnel of a new era with faith, ability, courage, and integrity, and build strong armed forces with iron faith, iron belief, iron discipline, and iron sense of responsibility.   第二十二条 军队加强爱国主义、集体主义、革命英雄主义教育,强化军人的荣誉意识,培育有灵魂、有本事、有血性、有品德的新时代革命军人,锻造具有铁一般信仰、铁一般信念、铁一般纪律、铁一般担当的过硬部队。
Article 23 The state adopts various forms of publicity and education, reward and incentive and guarantee measures to cultivate military personnel's sense of professional mission, sense of pride and sense of honor and stimulate military personnel's enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity in performing meritorious services and serving the motherland worthily.   第二十三条 国家采取多种形式的宣传教育、奖励激励和保障措施,培育军人的职业使命感、自豪感和荣誉感,激发军人建功立业、报效国家的积极性、主动性、创造性。
Article 24 The whole society shall learn the glorious history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, publicize the merits and achievements and self-sacrifice spirit of military personnel, and create a good atmosphere for safeguarding the honors of military personnel.   第二十四条 全社会应当学习中国人民解放军光荣历史,宣传军人功绩和牺牲奉献精神,营造维护军人荣誉的良好氛围。
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