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Notice by the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Strengthening Financial Services for COVID-19 Containment and Socio-Economic Development [Effective]
中国人民银行、国家外汇管理局关于做好疫情防控和经济社会发展金融服务的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Strengthening Financial Services for COVID-19 Containment and Socio-Economic Development



(No. 92 [2022] of the People's Bank of China) (银发〔2022〕92号)

At the onset of COVID-19, the People's Bank of China (“PBC”) and other government agencies jointly issued the Notice on Further Strengthening Financial Support for Preventing and Controlling the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic (Yinfa No. 29 [2020]), following the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. The 30 measures in the Notice on monetary and credit policies and financial services provided strong support for the containment of COVID-19 and the recovery of the real economy. At present, the Chinese economy is faced with increased pressures of demand contraction, supply shocks, and waning expectations under the combined effect of the pandemic and other internal and external factors. This Notice is hereby issued to ensure effective financial support for pandemic containment and socio- economic development. The specifics are as follows. 新冠肺炎疫情发生之初,按照党中央、国务院决策部署,人民银行会同相关部门及时出台了《关于进一步强化金融支持防控新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的通知》(银发〔2020〕29号文),提出货币信贷、金融服务等30项措施,为疫情防控和实体经济恢复发展提供了有力支持。当前,受疫情和国内外因素叠加影响,我国经济发展面临的需求收缩、供给冲击、预期转弱三重压力加大。为进一步做好金融支持疫情防控和经济社会发展工作,现将有关事宜通知如下:
I. Giving play to both aggregate and structural monetary policy instruments to increase financial support for the pandemic-affected sectors, businesses, and populations 一、发挥货币政策总量和结构双重功能,加大对受疫情影响行业、企业、人群等金融支持
1. Keep liquidity adequate at a reasonable level. We will adopt a mix of monetary policy instruments, including open market operations, standing lending facility (SLF), central bank lending and discounts, to provide sufficient liquidity, encourage financial institutions to make more loans, and keep the growth of aggregate credit stable. We will tap into the loan prime rate (LPR) reform to keep the overall financing costs of businesses stable with a slight decline and encourage financial institutions to cut profits for the benefit of the real economy. For those financial institutions that are materially affected by the pandemic, the relevant PBC branches may appropriately relax the evaluations on reserve requirement.   (一)保持流动性合理充裕。通过公开市场操作、常备借贷便利、再贷款、再贴现等多种货币政策工具,提供充足流动性,引导金融机构扩大贷款投放,增强信贷总量增长的稳定性。充分发挥贷款市场报价利率改革效能,促进企业综合融资成本稳中有降,推动金融机构向实体经济合理让利。人民银行分支机构对受到疫情实质影响的金融机构,可根据实际情况适当提高存款准备金考核的容忍度。
2. Provide differentiated financial services for sectors hard hit by the pandemic. Making effective use of the central bank lending and discount policies in support of rural development and micro and small businesses (MSBs), we will raise the corresponding lending quota when appropriate and encourage locally incorporated financial institutions to boost support for catering and accommodation, retail and wholesale, culture and tourism, and other contact-based service industries as well as other promising but (due to COVID-19) temporarily distressed industries.   (二)为受疫情影响较大的行业提供差异化的金融服务。用好支农支小再贷款、再贴现政策,适时增加支农支小再贷款额度,引导地方法人金融机构加大对受疫情影响较大的住宿餐饮、批发零售、文化旅游等接触型服务业及其他有前景但受疫情影响暂遇困难行业的支持力度。
We will improve information sharing with competent authorities of commerce, culture and tourism, and transportation; organize various events to improve linkage between the government, banks, and businesses; help banks improve customer acquisition, risk assessment, and risk management capabilities; and develop movable property mortgage and pledge products and unsecured loan products based on the characteristics of businesses. 加强与商务、文化旅游、交通运输等行业主管部门的信息共享,组织开展多种形式的政银企对接活动,帮助银行提升客户获取、风险评价和管控能力,针对企业特点开发动产抵质押和信用贷款产品。
3. Step up financial support for MSBs and other market entities in difficulties. We will make effective use of the inclusive loans to MSBs by providing incentive funds to locally incorporated financial institutions at one percent of the incremental outstanding balance of such loans to encourage them to maintain and increase the inclusive loans to MSBs. The support plan for unsecured inclusive MSB loans will be incorporated into the central bank lending program for rural development and MSBs, such that starting from 2022, the original quota of RMB400 billion for those loans will be available on a revolving basis and if necessary, may be further increased, to incentivize financial institutions to increase the proportion of unsecured loans and first- time borrowers.   (三)加大对小微企业等受困市场主体的金融支持力度。发挥好普惠小微贷款支持工具作用,2022年1月1日至2023年6月末,按照地方法人金融机构普惠小微贷款余额增量的1%提供激励资金,鼓励金融机构稳定普惠小微贷款存量,扩大增量。将普惠小微企业信用贷款支持计划并入支农支小再贷款管理,自2022年起,原用于支持普惠小微信用贷款的4000亿元再贷款额度继续滚动使用,必要时可再进一步增加,引导金融机构提升信用贷款和首贷户比重。
Financial institutions should promote actively offered credits and revolving loans to better meet the financing needs of MSBs. Financial institutions are to lay down detailed and concrete rules on funds transfer pricing, tolerance for non-performing loans, due diligence, and performance assessment, and more effectively allocate credits and use financial technologies, to enhance their capacity to serve MSBs. Through medium- and long-term loans, lowered interest rates, extension or renewal of loan term, or other market-based approaches, financial institutions should proactively help the affected businesses overcome the pandemic and should not unjustifiably restrict or terminate loans or force an early repayment. Financial institutions should also work with credit reporting platforms to access the credit information they have on businesses, such as the finance, government administration, utility, and commerce records, to reduce the information asymmetry between banks and businesses and make financing more efficient. 金融机构要推广主动授信、随借随还贷款模式,更好满足小微企业用款需求。要细化实化内部资金转移定价、不良容忍度、尽职免责、绩效考核等要求,优化信贷资源配置,强化金融科技赋能,加快提升小微企业金融服务能力。要按市场化原则,通过提供中长期贷款、降低利率、展期或续贷支持等方式,积极支持受困企业抵御疫情影响,不得盲目限贷、抽贷、断贷。要积极主动对接征信平台有关的金融、政务、公用事业、商务等不同领域的涉企信用信息,缓解银企信息不对称,提高融资效率。
4. Improve the quality and efficiency of financial services to priority regions and pandemic-affected populations. Financial institutions should improve the financial services on offer to the hard-hit areas by adjusting their regional financing policies and funds transfer pricing and implementing differentiated performance evaluation schemes.   (四)提高对重点地区和受困人群的金融服务质效。金融机构要通过调整区域融资政策、内部资金转移定价、实施差异化的绩效考核办法等措施,提升受疫情影响严重地区的金融供给水平。
For those who have been hospitalized or quarantined due to COVID-19 infection, who are under quarantine for pandemic containment, and who have temporarily lost their source of income due to the pandemic, financial institutions should promptly optimize their credit policies to separately track the capacity for repayment and the willingness to make repayment as well as the short-term impact on repayment capacity and longer- term impact on repayment capacity, and make flexible changes to the repayment plans for mortgage and other personal loans, such as appropriately deferring the repayment deadlines, extending the loan term, and postponing principal repayment. Financial institutions are also encouraged to make business loans more accessible to taxi drivers, e-commerce business owners, truck drivers, and other self-employed individuals in reference to their policies for individual businesses and MSBs. 对因感染新冠肺炎住院治疗或隔离人员、疫情防控需要隔离观察人员以及受疫情影响暂时失去收入来源的人群,金融机构要及时优化信贷政策,区分还款能力和还款意愿,区分受疫情影响的短期还款能力和中长期还款能力,对其存续个人住房等贷款,灵活采取合理延后还款时间、延长贷款期限、延迟还本等方式调整还款计划予以支持。对出租车司机、网店店主、货车司机等灵活就业主体,金融机构可比照个体工商户和小微企业主,加大对其经营性贷款支持力度。
5. Provide convenient financial market services. Financial infrastructures should further optimize issuance, trading, clearing, and settlement services; offer services through a wide range of channels; adjust the operation of some businesses; and improve service availability. The National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors and the Shanghai Clearing House should make good use of the existing “fast tracks” to better support bond issuers severely affected by the pandemic by streamlining service procedures and moderately relaxing the disclosure requirements.   (五)提供便捷金融市场服务。金融市场基础设施要进一步优化发行、交易、清算、结算等服务,提供多种服务渠道,调整部分业务开展方式,强化服务保障。中国银行间市场交易商协会、银行间市场清算所股份有限公司等要利用前期已建立的“绿色通道”,对受疫情影响较大的发债企业,简化业务流程,适度放宽信息披露制式要求,加大支持力度。
6. Ensure the availability of basic financial services. We will enhance cash management to ensure cash is adequately supplied and sanitary. We will maintain smooth operations of payment and clearing services, raise the maximum amount for the Bulk Electronic Payment System (BEPS) as necessary, and extend the operating hours of the High-Value Payment System and the Central Bank Accounting Data Centralized System, to enhance the support of electronic payment services.   (六)保障基础金融服务畅通。加强现金管理,确保现金供应和现金安全卫生。确保支付清算通畅运行,按需放开小额支付系统业务限额,延长大额支付系统、中央银行会计核算数据集中系统运行时间,加大电子支付服务保障力度。
For business loans, financial institutions should, if necessary, complete the approval and disbursement procedures at the nearest outlets or through videoconferencing. To protect the public's rights in relation to credit records, financial institutions should continue to observe the rule that exempts certain COVID-19-related late payments from being reported as delinquencies. They should also ensure the accessibility of online inquiry and complaint channels for financial consumers. 金融机构在必要时要采取就近网点办公、召开视频会议等方式,为企业办理审批放款等业务。要切实保障公众征信相关权益,继续落实好受疫情影响相关逾期贷款可以不作逾期记录报送的有关规定。畅通金融消费者线上咨询、投诉处理通道。
We will establish a coordination mechanism between fiscal authorities, tax authorities, treasury, and banks to ensure unimpeded funds transfers and prompt disbursement of funds earmarked for COVID-19 control. Treasuries at all levels should ensure implementation of the value-added tax (VAT) credit refund policy, a relief policy for businesses. We will streamline the allocation and disbursement channels for tax refunds, to ensure businesses can receive the refunds in a prompt, accurate, and secure manner and benefit from the policy as early as possible. 要建立财政-税务-国库-银行协同工作机制,确保资金汇划渠道畅通,保障疫情防控资金及时拨付到位。各级国库要落实好助企纾困的增值税留抵退税政策。畅通退税资金拨付、退付通道,有效保障退税资金及时、准确、安全直达市场主体,促进市场主体尽早享受到政策红利。
II. Promoting the role of finance in keeping smooth flows in the economy and implementing the policies on financial industry's support for the real economy 二、发挥金融畅通国民经济循环作用,抓好金融支持实体经济政策落地
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