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Notice by the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Further Effectively Providing Financial Services for Enterprises in Difficult Industries Affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak [Effective]
中国银保监会办公厅关于进一步做好受疫情影响困难行业企业等金融服务的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Further Effectively Providing Financial Services for Enterprises in Difficult Industries Affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak 


(No. 64 [2022] of the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) (银保监办发〔2022〕64号)

All local offices of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”); local financial supervision and administrations of all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; all policy banks, large-scale banks, and joint-stock banks; all insurance group (holding) companies and insurance companies; and the China Banking Association and the Insurance Society of China: 各银保监局,各省(自治区、直辖市、计划单列市)、新疆生产建设兵团地方金融监督管理局,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行,各保险集团(控股)公司、保险公司,银行业协会、保险业协会:
For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, further increasing financial support for enterprises in industries seriously affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak in accordance with the requirements for preventing the COVID-19 Outbreak, stabilizing the economy, and realizing development security, and ensuring the implementation of relevant financial relief policies, you are hereby notified of the relevant requirements and detailed implementation rules as follows: 为深入贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,按照疫情要防住、经济要稳住、发展要安全的要求,进一步加强对受新冠肺炎疫情影响严重行业企业等的金融支持,确保有关金融纾困政策落地,现将有关要求及实施细则通知如下:
I. Effectively enhancing the awareness of overall sense 一、切实增强大局意识
1. Regulatory departments at all levels, banking and insurance institutions and relevant industry associations shall insist on the inclusiveness and people-oriented nature of financial services, effectively enhance their sense of social responsibility, strive to effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, effectively handle the relationship between effectively serving the real economy and the prevention and control of financial risks, continuously optimize and improve financial services, and assist in consolidating the foundation for stable economic operation and quality improvement.   (一)各级监管部门、银行保险机构和相关行业协会要坚持金融服务的普惠性、人民性,切实增强社会责任感,全力做好统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展工作,处理好服务实体经济与防控金融风险的关系,持续优化改进金融服务,助力夯实经济稳定运行、质量提升的基础。
2. Banking and insurance institutions shall focus on the difficulties and problems in financial services for enterprises in industries temporarily in distress due to the COVID-19 Outbreak (including individual industrial and commercial households), adopt targeted and effective relief measures, support enterprises in industries temporarily in distress in overcoming difficulties and resuming development, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial services for the real economy.   (二)银行保险机构要聚焦因疫情暂时遇困行业企业(含个体工商户,下同)等金融服务中的痛点堵点难点,采取针对性的有效纾困措施,支持暂时遇困行业企业渡过难关、恢复发展,不断提升金融服务实体经济质效。
II. Increasing credit support 二、加大信贷支持力度
3. Promoting the steady growth of credit balance. Banking institutions shall meet the reasonable and effective credit needs of enterprises in industries temporarily in distress due to the COVID-19 Outbreak, and strive to achieve sustained and steady growth of credit balance in industries severely affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak, such as accommodation, catering, retail, culture, tourism, and transportation.   (三)推动信贷余额稳步增长。银行机构要及时满足因疫情暂时遇困行业企业的合理、有效信贷需求,努力实现住宿、餐饮、零售、文化、旅游、交通运输等受疫情影响严重行业信贷余额持续稳步增长。
4. Providing special preference in terms of resources. Banking institutions shall fully assess the impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak, and increase the preference and guarantee of credit resources for areas and industries severely affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak by arranging for special credit lines, adjusting performance assessment, rationally delegating approval authority to lower levels, implementing preferential internal fund transfer pricing, and other means.   (四)实施专门资源倾斜。银行机构要充分评估疫情影响,通过安排专项信贷额度、调整绩效考核、合理下放审批权限、实施优惠内部资金转移定价等方式,加大对受疫情影响严重地区、行业的信贷资源倾斜和保障。
5. Strengthening inclusive financial services. In 2022, the goal of “two increases” in inclusive loans to micro and small enterprises shall be continuously achieved, the incremental expansion of loans to individual industrial and commercial households shall be ensured, and the goals of sustained growth of agriculture-related loans and differentiated growth rate of inclusive agriculture-related loans shall be continuously achieved. Banking institutions shall implement the plans of credit to micro and small enterprises and agriculture-related credit plans level by level, and further allocate credit resources to areas severely affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak, to provide credit support for the urgent capital needs and the resumption of work and production of micro and small enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, and farmers during the period of suspension of work and production. Large state-owned commercial banks shall ensure an additional 1.6 trillion yuan of inclusive loans to micro and small enterprises throughout the year. Local incorporated banks shall make good use of policies such as supporting instruments for loans to micro and small enterprises and re-lending for supporting small enterprises.   (五)强化普惠金融服务。2022年继续实现普惠型小微企业贷款“两增”目标,确保个体工商户贷款增量扩面,继续实现涉农贷款持续增长、普惠型涉农贷款差异化增速目标。银行机构要层层抓实小微企业、涉农信贷计划执行,向受疫情影响严重地区进一步倾斜信贷资源,为小微企业、个体工商户、农户停工停产期间应急性资金需求、复工复产提供信贷支持。国有大型商业银行要确保全年新增普惠型小微企业贷款1.6万亿元。地方法人银行要用好用足普惠小微贷款支持工具、支小再贷款等政策。
6. Improving the efficiency of financing guarantee. The coverage of government financing guarantee business shall be expanded, government financing guarantee institutions shall be encouraged to provide financing guarantee support for qualified small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in difficult industries such as accommodation, catering, retail, culture, tourism, and transportation, to meet the obligation of repayment in a timely manner, and financial institutions shall grant loans as soon as possible, without blindly reducing credit or withdrawing loans. The role of agricultural-related credit guarantee shall be fully maximized, and market-oriented sharing and compensation of agricultural-related credit risks shall be strengthened. Provincial re-guarantee institutions shall be encouraged to actively connect with the national financing guarantee funds to expand the coverage of re-guarantee business.   (六)提升融资担保效能。扩大政府性融资担保业务覆盖面,对符合条件的住宿、餐饮、零售、文化、旅游、交通运输等困难行业的中小微企业、个体工商户,鼓励政府性融资担保机构提供融资担保支持,及时履行代偿义务,金融机构尽快放贷,不盲目压缩授信或收回贷款。发挥好农业信贷担保作用,强化涉农信贷风险市场化分担和补偿。鼓励省级再担保机构主动对接国家融资担保基金,扩大再担保业务覆盖面。
7. Effectively granting entrepreneurship guaranteed loans. Banking institutions shall cooperate with local governments in optimizing the policy on entrepreneurship guaranteed loans, actively provide services for new citizens who are eligible to be included in the scope of entrepreneurship guaranteed loans, optimize the handling process of entrepreneurship guaranteed loans, and improve the financing efficiency of entrepreneurial entities.   (七)做好创业担保贷款。银行机构要配合地方政府优化创业担保贷款政策,积极为符合条件纳入创业担保贷款扶持范围的新市民提供服务,优化创业担保贷款办理流程,提高创业主体融资效率。
III. Effectively making continuing financing arrangements 三、做好接续融资安排
8. Specifying the objects of assistance and support. Banking institutions shall actively assist enterprises that have sound credit records at the early stage and that are in industries temporarily in distress due to the COVID-19 Outbreak as much as possible to avoid industry-specific restricting loans, demanding advance payment, or canceling loans.   (八)明确帮扶支持对象。银行机构要积极帮扶前期信用记录良好、因疫情暂时遇困行业企业,能帮尽帮,避免出现行业性限贷、抽贷、断贷。
9. Taking the initiative to provide loan renewal services. Banking institutions shall strengthen the tracking of and analysis on the financing needs of enterprises in industries temporarily in distress due to the COVID-19 Outbreak, take the initiative to carry out continuous financing credit review in advance, and actively provide loan renewal support for qualified entities under the market-oriented principle.   (九)主动开展续贷服务。银行机构要加强因疫情暂时遇困行业企业融资需求的跟踪分析,主动提前开展接续融资信贷评审,按照市场化原则,对符合条件的积极给予续贷支持。
10. Implementing deferred repayment of principal and interests. Commercial banks and other financial institutions shall continuously negotiate independently with small and medium-sized enterprises (including small and medium-sized business owners), individual industrial and commercial households, truck drivers, etc. under the market-oriented principle, implement deferred repayment of principal and interests of their loans, and strive to delay loans as much as possible. In principle, the date for deferred payment of principal and interests shall not exceed the end of 2022. For inclusive loans to micro and small enterprises in difficult industries such as catering, retail, culture, tourism, and transportation that are seriously affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak due before the end of 2022, preference shall be given according to the actual situation, and the extension period shall be appropriately relaxed. When handling application for extension, the credit enhancement and risk sharing measures shall not be compulsively added uniformly in all cases. Where deferred loans involve government financing guarantee, the relevant financing guarantee institutions shall actively grant support and assist enterprises affected by the COVID-19 Outbreak in renewing guarantees and loans.   (十)实施延期还本付息。商业银行等金融机构继续按市场化原则与中小微企业(含中小微企业主)和个体工商户、货车司机等自主协商,对其贷款实施延期还本付息,努力做到应延尽延,延期还本付息日期原则上不超过2022年底。对于受疫情影响严重的餐饮、零售、文化、旅游、交通运输等困难行业2022年底前到期的普惠型小微企业贷款,应根据实际情况给予倾斜,并适当放宽延期期限。办理延期时不得“一刀切”地强制要求增加增信分险措施。延期贷款涉及政府性融资担保的,有关融资担保机构要积极给予支持,帮助受疫情影响企业续保续贷。
11. Improving personal loan repayment arrangements. For persons who are hospitalized or quarantined due to infection with COVID-19, who are subject to quarantine and observation due to the COVID-19 Outbreak, or who have lost their source of income, financial institutions shall flexibly adopt measures such as reasonable delay in repayment time, extension of loan period, and deferred repayment principal and interests to adjust the repayment plans for their existing personal housing, consumption and other loans.   (十一)完善个贷还款安排。对因感染新冠肺炎住院治疗或隔离、受疫情影响隔离观察或失去收入来源的人群,金融机构对其存续的个人住房、消费等贷款,灵活采取合理延后还款时间、延长贷款期限、延期还本等方式调整还款计划。
12. Accurately implementing classification of loans. For loans deferred under Articles 10 and 11, substantive risk judgment shall be insisted on during the extension process, the loan risk classification shall not be lowered due to the factor of the COVID-19 Outbreak alone, the credit records shall not be affected, and penalty interest shall be exempted.   (十二)准确实施贷款分类。对第(十)、(十一)条实施延期的贷款,在延期过程中坚持实质性风险判断,不单独因疫情因素下调贷款风险分类,不影响征信记录,并免收罚息。
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