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Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Amend the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (2023) [Effective]
全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的决定(2023) [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 11) (第十一号)

The Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Amend the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 5th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on September 1, 2023, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2024. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改<中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>的决定》已由中华人民共和国第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议于2023年9月1日通过,现予公布,自2024年1月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
September 1, 2023 2023年9月1日
Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to Amend the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的决定
(Adopted at the 5th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress on September 1, 2023) (2023年9月1日第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议通过)
As decided at the 5th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress, the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China is amended as follows: 第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议决定对《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》作如下修改:
1. Article 40 is amended to read: “When a people's court tries a civil case of first instance, a collegial bench consisting of judges and people's jurors or consisting of judges only shall be formed. The members of a collegial bench must be in an odd number.   一、将第四十条修改为:“人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、人民陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。
“A civil case to which the summary procedure applies shall be tried by a single judge. A civil case of first instance tried by the primary people's court with clear basic facts and unambiguous rights and obligations may be tried by a single judge under the ordinary procedure. “适用简易程序审理的民事案件,由审判员一人独任审理。基层人民法院审理的基本事实清楚、权利义务关系明确的第一审民事案件,可以由审判员一人适用普通程序独任审理。
“When participating in trial activities, people's jurors shall have equal rights and obligations as a judge, except as otherwise prescribed by any law.” “人民陪审员在参加审判活动时,除法律另有规定外,与审判员有同等的权利义务。”
2. Paragraph 4 of Article 47 is amended to read: “The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs shall apply to judges' assistants, court clerks, judicial technicians, interpreters, identification experts, and surveyors.”   二、将第四十七条第四款修改为:“前三款规定,适用于法官助理、书记员、司法技术人员、翻译人员、鉴定人、勘验人。”
3. Article 115 is amended to read: “Where the parties maliciously collude with each other in an attempt to infringe upon the national interest, public interest, or the lawful rights and interests of others through litigation, mediation, or other means, a people's court shall dismiss their claims and impose a fine or detention on the parties according to the seriousness of the circumstances; and if it is criminally punishable, the offender shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the law.   三、将第一百一十五条修改为:“当事人之间恶意串通,企图通过诉讼、调解等方式侵害国家利益、社会公共利益或者他人合法权益的,人民法院应当驳回其请求,并根据情节轻重予以罚款、拘留;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
“If a party unilaterally fabricates the basic facts of a civil case and institutes an action in a people's court in an attempt to infringe upon the national interest, public interest, or the lawful rights and interests of others, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.” “当事人单方捏造民事案件基本事实,向人民法院提起诉讼,企图侵害国家利益、社会公共利益或者他人合法权益的,适用前款规定。”
4. Paragraph 2 of Article 130 is amended to read: “Where a party raises no objection to jurisdiction and responds to the action by submitting a written statement of defense or files a counterclaim, the people's court accepting the action shall be deemed to have jurisdiction, unless the provisions regarding hierarchical jurisdiction and exclusive jurisdiction are violated.”   四、将第一百三十条第二款修改为:“当事人未提出管辖异议,并应诉答辩或者提出反诉的,视为受诉人民法院有管辖权,但违反级别管辖和专属管辖规定的除外。”
5. Paragraph 2 of Article 140 is amended to read: “When a court session is held, the presiding judge or single judge shall check the identity of each party, announce the cause of action, announce the names of judges, judges' assistants, and court clerks, among others, inform the parties of their relevant procedural rights and obligations, and ask the parties whether they request the disqualification of any person.”   五、将第一百四十条第二款修改为:“开庭审理时,由审判长或者独任审判员核对当事人,宣布案由,宣布审判人员、法官助理、书记员等的名单,告知当事人有关的诉讼权利义务,询问当事人是否提出回避申请。”
6. Article 184 is amended to read: “People's courts shall try voter eligibility cases, missing person declaration or death declaration cases, cases of designating the legacy administrator, cases of determining civil incompetency or limited civil competency of citizens, cases of determining unclaimed property, cases of confirming mediation agreements, and cases of security interest realization in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. The relevant provisions of this Law and other applicable laws shall apply to the matters not prescribed in this Chapter.”   六、将第一百八十四条修改为:“人民法院审理选民资格案件、宣告失踪或者宣告死亡案件、指定遗产管理人案件、认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力案件、认定财产无主案件、确认调解协议案件和实现担保物权案件,适用本章规定。本章没有规定的,适用本法和其他法律的有关规定。”
7. One section is added after Section 3 of Chapter XV as Section 4:   七、在第十五章第三节后增加一节,作为第四节:
“Section 4 Cases on the Designation of the Legacy Administrator “第四节 指定遗产管理人案件
“Article 194 Where there is any dispute over the determination of the legacy administrator, an interested party applying for the designation of the legacy administrator shall file an application with the primary people's court at the place of domicile of the deceased at the time of his or her death or the place where the principal part of the legacy is located. “第一百九十四条 对遗产管理人的确定有争议,利害关系人申请指定遗产管理人的,向被继承人死亡时住所地或者主要遗产所在地基层人民法院提出。
“The written application shall indicate the time of death of the deceased, reasons for filing the application, and the specific request, and shall be accompanied by the evidence relating to the death of the deceased. “申请书应当写明被继承人死亡的时间、申请事由和具体请求,并附有被继承人死亡的相关证据。
“Article 195 The people's court shall, after accepting an application, examine and verify it and render a judgment to designate the legacy administrator under the principle of facilitating legacy administration. “第一百九十五条 人民法院受理申请后,应当审查核实,并按照有利于遗产管理的原则,判决指定遗产管理人。
“Article 196 Where a designated legacy administrator dies, is terminated, loses the capacity for civil conduct, or is otherwise unable to continue to perform the duties of legacy administration, the people's court may designate another legacy administrator upon the application of the interested party or the designated legacy administrator. “第一百九十六条 被指定的遗产管理人死亡、终止、丧失民事行为能力或者存在其他无法继续履行遗产管理职责情形的,人民法院可以根据利害关系人或者本人的申请另行指定遗产管理人。
“Article 197 Where a legacy administrator violates the duties of legacy administration and seriously infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of the inheritor, the legatee, or the creditor, the people's court may disqualify the legacy administrator and legally designate another legacy administrator upon the application of the interested party.” “第一百九十七条 遗产管理人违反遗产管理职责,严重侵害继承人、受遗赠人或者债权人合法权益的,人民法院可以根据利害关系人的申请,撤销其遗产管理人资格,并依法指定新的遗产管理人。”
8. Article 272 is renumbered as Article 276 and amended to read: “Where an action for a foreign-related civil dispute other than that involving identity relationship is instituted against a defendant that has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China, if the place where the contract is signed or performed, where the subject matter of the action is located, where any impoundable property is located, or where the tort is committed, or the place of domicile of the representative office is within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court at the place where the contract is signed or performed, where the subject matter of the action is located, where the impoundable property is located, where the tort is committed, or where the domicile of the representative office is located may have jurisdiction over the action.   八、将第二百七十二条改为第二百七十六条,修改为:“因涉外民事纠纷,对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的被告提起除身份关系以外的诉讼,如果合同签订地、合同履行地、诉讼标的物所在地、可供扣押财产所在地、侵权行为地、代表机构住所地位于中华人民共和国领域内的,可以由合同签订地、合同履行地、诉讼标的物所在地、可供扣押财产所在地、侵权行为地、代表机构住所地人民法院管辖。
...... “除前款规定外,涉外民事纠纷与中华人民共和国存在其他适当联系的,可以由人民法院管辖。”

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