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The National Financial Regulatory Administration Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Standardized and Sound Development of Finance Companies of Enterprise Groups and Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Regulation [Effective]
国家金融监督管理总局发布《关于促进企业集团财务公司规范健康发展提升监管质效的指导意见》 [现行有效]
The National Financial Regulatory Administration Issuing the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Standardized and Sound Development of Finance Companies of Enterprise Groups and Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Regulation 


(No. 7 [2024] of the National Financial Regulatory Administration) (金规〔2024〕7号)

All local offices of the National Administration of Financial Regulation (“local offices”): 各监管局:
For the purposes of fully implementing the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, effectively preventing and resolving the risks of finance companies of enterprise groups (hereinafter referred to as “finance companies”), further encouraging finance companies to insist on the primary responsibility and main business, diligently implementing the macro policies of the state, insisting on differentiated, distinctive and professional development, maximizing a necessary and beneficial complementary role in serving social and economic development, and enhancing the sustainability of financial support for the real economy, the following opinions are hereby put forward: 为深入贯彻落实中央金融工作会议精神,有效防范化解企业集团财务公司(以下简称财务公司)风险,进一步推进财务公司坚守主责主业,认真贯彻执行国家宏观政策,坚持差异化、特色化、专业化发展,为服务社会经济发展发挥必要有益的补充作用,增强金融支持实体经济的可持续性,现提出以下意见:
I. General requirements 一、总体要求
1. Guiding thought   (一)指导思想
Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Central Financial Work Conference shall comprehensively implemented, the centralized unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee for the financial work shall be insisted on, the political and people's nature of the financial work shall be practiced, the new development concept shall be implemented, the financial service for the real economy shall be insisted on as the fundamental purpose, the goal orientation and problem orientation shall be insisted on, the causes of risks in the finance company industry shall be summarized, the regulatory shortcomings shall be shored up, high-quality financial services for major strategies and key fields shall be strengthened, and the construction of a financial power shall be comprehensively promoted through high-quality financial development. 坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的二十大精神和中央金融工作会议精神,坚持党中央对金融工作的集中统一领导,践行金融工作的政治性、人民性,贯彻新发展理念,坚持把金融服务实体经济作为根本宗旨,坚持目标导向、问题导向,总结财务公司行业风险成因,弥补监管短板,加强对重大战略、重点领域的高质量金融服务,以金融高质量发展全面推进金融强国建设。
2. Basic principles   (二)基本原则
Insisting on functional positioning. The functional positioning of “relying on the group and serving the group” shall be insisted on, and serving the real economy shall be regarded as the fundamental purpose. 坚持功能定位。坚持“依托集团、服务集团”功能定位,把服务实体经济作为根本宗旨。
Insisting on deepening reform. The reform of the corporate governance mechanism and the structural reform of the financial supply side shall be promoted in an in-depth manner, and the high-quality development of the finance company industry shall be solidly promoted. 坚持深化改革。深入推进公司治理机制改革和金融供给侧结构性改革,扎实推动财务公司行业高质量发展。
Insisting on differentiated development. Finance companies shall be guided to provide specialized and differentiated financial support for enterprise groups, and form a favorable situation of complementary advantages and differentiated services with banking and insurance institutions. 坚持差异发展。引导财务公司为企业集团提供专业化、差异化金融支持,与银行保险机构形成优势互补、差异化服务的良好局面。
Preventing the worse situations from happening: Resolution and disposal of risks in finance companies shall be promoted in an orderly manner, major violations of laws and regulations shall be resolutely punished, market disciplines shall be strictly enforced, and social stability shall be maintained, to forestall systemic financial risks. 坚持底线思维。有序推进财务公司风险化解处置,坚决惩治重大违法违规行为,严肃市场纪律,维护社会稳定,守住不发生系统性金融风险底线。
II. Insisting on characteristic functional positioning 二、坚守特色化功能定位
3. Insisting on the internal financial service attribute. Finance companies shall insist on the primary responsibility and main business, provide financial services by closely focusing on the main business of the enterprise groups, strengthen the centralized management of enterprise groups' funds, improve the efficiency of the use of funds, reduce the overall operating costs, and effectively improve the quality of financial services. They shall not become the profit-making centers of the enterprise groups, and excessive financing in the inter-bank market shall be strictly prohibited to prevent from becoming channels and tools for external financing of the enterprise groups.   (三)坚持内部金融服务属性。财务公司应当坚守主责主业,紧密围绕企业集团主业提供金融服务,加强企业集团资金集中管理、提高资金使用效率、降低整体运营成本,切实提升金融服务质量。不应成为企业集团的营利中心,严禁在同业市场上过度融资,防止异化为企业集团对外融资的通道和工具。
4. Insisting on the attribute of assisting in enterprise groups' management. Finance companies shall take the initiative to strengthen the centralized management of funds, improve the function of fund payment and settlement services, strengthen the monitoring of account funds and bills of member entities, provide professional services in investment and financing management and capital operation of enterprise groups, and assist enterprise groups in accelerating the construction of the treasury system; and qualified finance companies shall be encouraged to assist enterprise groups in carrying out management of financial risks such as interest rate risk and exchange rate risk. Finance companies shall strictly comply with the regulatory provisions on their business dealings with listed companies in the enterprise groups; and strictly implement the Regulation on the Guarantee of Payment of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and shall not assist enterprise groups in defaulting on payments owed to other enterprises through bill business.   (四)坚持辅助企业集团管理属性。财务公司应当主动加强资金集中管理,完善资金支付结算服务功能,强化成员单位账户资金和票据监控,在企业集团投融资管理和资本运作等方面提供专业化服务,助力企业集团加快司库体系建设;鼓励符合条件的财务公司协助企业集团开展利率风险、汇率风险等金融风险管理。严格遵守与企业集团内上市公司业务往来的监管规定;严格执行《保障中小企业款项支付条例》,不得协助企业集团通过票据业务拖欠企业账款。
5. Strengthening financial services in key fields. Finance companies shall closely follow the national strategic orientation, maximize the advantages of being close to the industry, and increase support for advanced manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation, green and low-carbon development, equipment renewal, consumer goods trade-ins and other fields in enterprise groups. Finance companies shall actively implement the state's inclusive financial policies on assisting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, continuously intensify agriculture-related financial services, and give preference to credit resource allocation and performance appraisal, among others.   (五)强化重点领域金融服务。财务公司应当紧跟国家战略导向,发挥贴近实业优势,加大对企业集团内先进制造业、科技创新、绿色低碳发展、设备更新、消费品以旧换新等领域的支持力度。积极落实国家关于扶助中小微企业的普惠金融政策,持续加大涉农金融服务,在信贷资源配置、绩效考核等方面予以倾斜。
III. Deepening the reform of the corporate governance mechanism 三、深化公司治理机制改革
6. Insisting on the guidance of Party building. State-owned finance companies shall include the work requirements for Party building in the their bylaws, implement the legal status of the Party organizations in the corporate governance structure, insist on and improve the leadership system featuring “two-way entry, cross appointment,” integrate the leadership of the Party in all respects of corporate governance, and maximize the role of the Party committees in control of the direction, management of the overall situation, and guarantee of the implementation. Private finance companies shall establish the Party's organizational structure in accordance with the law, strengthen political guidance, build advanced corporate culture, and promote sustainable and sound development.   (六)坚持党建引领。国有财务公司应当将党建工作要求写入公司章程,落实党组织在公司治理结构中的法定地位,坚持和完善“双向进入、交叉任职”领导体制,将党的领导融入公司治理各个环节,发挥党委把方向、管大局、保落实作用。民营财务公司应当依法建立党的组织机构,加强政治引领,建设先进企业文化,促进持续健康发展。
7. Strengthening management of shareholders' equity. Enterprise groups shall correctly understand the functional positioning of finance companies, maintain the independent legal person status of finance companies, and establish a scientific management evaluation mechanism. Enterprise groups are strictly prohibited from, among others, abusing the rights of shareholders, intervening in the operation and management of finance companies beyond their power, misappropriating the funds of finance companies in violation of the regulations, manipulating finance companies to pursue short-term interests, conducting improper financing in violation of regulations, entrusting holding or management of equities of finance companies to others directly or in a disguised manner, and conducing equity pledge or establishing trusts in violation of regulations.   (七)强化股东股权管理。企业集团应当正确认识财务公司功能定位,维护财务公司独立法人地位,建立科学的经营考评机制。严禁企业集团滥用股东权利,越权干预财务公司经营管理,违规挪用财务公司资金,操纵财务公司追求短期利益、违规开展不当融资,委托或变相委托他人持有或管理财务公司股权、违规进行股权质押或设立信托等行为。
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