Russian-Chinese Joint Declaration on a Multipolar World and the Establishment of a New International Order
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Russian-Chinese Joint Declaration on a Multipolar World and the Establishment of a New International Order The Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"), desiring to develop a partnership based on equality and mutual trust for the purpose of strategic interaction in the twenty-first century, and considering the responsibility to the international community, that they bear as permanent members of the Security Council and also considering their common approaches to major international issues, declare the following:
| | 中華人民共和國和俄羅斯聯邦關于世界多極化和建立國際新秩序的聯合聲明 中華人民共和國和俄羅斯聯邦(以下簡稱"雙方"),基于發展相互平等信任、面向二十一世紀的戰略協作夥伴關系,基于作為聯合國安理會常任理事國對國際社會所負的責任以及對重大國際問題所持的一致態度,特聲明如下:
1. In a spirit of partnership, the Parties shall strive to promote the multipolarization of the world and the establishment of a new international order. The Parties believe that profound changes in international relations have taken place at the end of the twentieth century. The cold war is over. The bipolar system has vanished. A positive trend towards a multipolar world is gaining momentum, and relations between major States, including former cold-war adversaries, are changing. Regional economic cooperation organizations are showing considerable vitality. Diversity in the political, economic and cultural development of all countries is becoming the norm, and the role played by the forces in favour of peace and broad-based international cooperation is expanding. A growing number of countries are beginning to recognize the need for mutual respect, equality and mutual advantage - but not for hegemony and power politics - and for dialogue and cooperation - but not for confrontation and conflict. The establishment of a peaceful, stable, just and rational new international political and economic order is becoming a pressing need of the times and an imperative of historical development.
| | 一、雙方將本著夥伴關系的精神努力推動世界多極化的發展和國際新秩序的建立。雙方認為,二十世紀末的國際關系發生了冷戰結束、兩極體制消逝的深刻變化。世界多極化的積極趨勢加快發展,大國之間包括冷戰時期敵對國之間的相互關系發生變化,區域經濟合作組織顯示出強勁的生命力,各國政治、經濟、文化的發展呈現多樣化,主張和平與廣泛國際合作的力量進一步增強。要相互尊重與平等互利,不要霸權主義和強權政治;要對話與合作,不要對抗與沖突,已成為越來越多國家的共識。建立和平穩定、公正合理的國際政治經濟新秩序成為時代的迫切要求和曆史發展的必然。
2. The Parties are in favour of making mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual advantage, peaceful coexistence and other universally recognized principles of international law the fundamental norm for conducting relations between States and the basis for a new international order. Every country has the right independently to choose its path of development in the light of its own specific conditions and without interference from other States. Differences in their social systems, ideologies and value systems must not become an obstacle to the development of normal relations between States. All countries, large or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. No country should seek hegemony, engage in power politics or monopolize international affairs. The Parties believe that the renunciation of discriminatory policies and practices in economic relations, and the strengthening and expansion of trade, economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian exchanges and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual advantage will promote their common development and prosperity. ...... | | 二、雙方主張,互相尊重主權和領土完整、互不侵犯、互不幹涉內政、平等互利、和平共處及其他公認的國際法原則應成為處理國與國之間關系的基本准則和建立國際新秩序的基礎。各國有權根據本國國情,獨立自主地選擇其發展道路,別國不應幹涉。社會制度、意識形態、價值觀念的差異不應成為發展正常國家關系的障礙。各國不分大小、強弱、貧富,都是國際社會的平等成員,任何國家都不應謀求霸權,推行強權政治,壟斷國際事務。要排除經濟關系中的歧視性政策和做法,在平等互利基礎上加強和擴大經貿、科技、人文的交流與合作,促進共同發展和繁榮。
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