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Notice by the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Health Commission, the People's Bank of China, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the General Administration of Customs, the China International Development Cooperation Agency, the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and the A [Effective]
市场监管总局、中央宣传部、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、国家发展改革委、教育部、工业和信息化部、公安部、民政部、自然资源部、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部、交通运输部、水利部、农业农村部、商务部、文化和旅游部、国家卫生健康委、中国人民银行、国务院国资委、海关总署、国家国际发展合作署、供销合作总社、全国总工会、全国工商联关于开展2023年全国“质量月”活动的通知 [现行有效]
Notice by the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Health Commission, the People's Bank of China, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the General Administration of Customs, the China International Development Cooperation Agency, the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce of Launching the 2023 National “Quality Month” Activities 


(No. 73 [2023] of the State Administration for Market Regulation) (国市监质发〔2023〕73号)

In order to comprehensively implement the guidelines of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), implement the arrangements of the Outline for Building a Quality Powerhouse, deeply promote the quality action nationwide, and promote the building of a quality powerhouse, 25 departments including the State Administration for Market Regulation have decided to jointly conduct national “Quality Month” activities in September 2023. You are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows: 为全面贯彻党的二十大精神,落实《质量强国建设纲要》部署,深入推动全民质量行动,促进质量强国建设,市场监管总局等25个部门定于2023年9月联合开展全国“质量月”活动。现就有关事项通知如下:
I. Theme of the Activities   一、活动主题
Enhancing quality awareness and promoting high-quality development 增强质量意识 推进高质量发展
II. Content of the Activities   二、活动内容
1. Thoroughly studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on quality development. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on quality development, which guided and promoted the continuous innovative development of quality work in the new era, and historic achievements and changes have been made. The study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on quality development shall be integrated with the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. All forces shall be fully mobilized, level-by-level and categorized study shall be promoted in various forms, and theoretical interpretation and training shall be intensified. All parties shall bolster their commitment to uphold the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, resolutely uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Party Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership, and contribute to the rapid construction of a quality powerhouse. (一)深入学习习近平总书记关于质量发展的重要论述。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记对质量发展作出一系列重要论述,指导推动新时代质量工作不断创新发展,取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。要把学习贯彻习近平总书记关于质量发展的重要论述与深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神结合起来,全面动员、广泛发动,通过多种形式,推进分层分类学习,加强理论阐释培训,更加坚定拥护“两个确立”、坚决做到“两个维护”,为加快建设质量强国贡献力量。
2. Solidly promoting the implementation of the Outline for Building a Quality Powerhouse. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Outline for Building a Quality Powerhouse, which, as a programmatic document guiding the medium- and long-term development of quality work in China, opens a new chapter in building a quality powerhouse in the new era and is of significant milestone importance for the development of China's quality cause. The thoughts and actions shall be effectively brought in line with the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and people shall have an in-depth understanding of the great significance of building a quality powerhouse and accurately understand the development goals and main directions set for building a quality powerhouse. In light of the actual circumstances, effective measures shall be taken, and coordination and cooperation shall be intensified to promote the effective and detailed implementation of various tasks. (二)扎实推进《质量强国建设纲要》贯彻落实。党中央、国务院印发《质量强国建设纲要》,作为指导我国质量工作中长期发展的纲领性文件,掀开了新时代建设质量强国的新篇章,对我国质量事业发展具有重要里程碑意义。要切实把思想和行动统一到党中央、国务院决策部署上来,深刻领会质量强国建设的重大意义,准确把握质量强国建设的发展目标和主攻方向。要结合实际,采取有效措施,强化协同配合,推动各项任务落实落细。
3. Deeply carrying out the quality improvement action. The implementation of various arrangements outlined in the Action Plan for Further Improving Product, Project, and Service Quality (2022-2025) shall be accelerated, and with a focus on enhancing the quality of the supply system, more efforts shall be made to ensure the effective supply of high-quality products, projects, and services. By centering on market demands and public concerns, and focusing on prominent problems, evident weaknesses, and crucial factors for development, issues shall be addressed with respect to each industry and each product type, the quality improvement of industrial chains shall be organized, and efforts shall be made to make joint breakthroughs in common technologies related to the quality of industrial chains, so as to better support the optimization and upgrading of the modern industrial system. (三)深入实施质量提升行动。加快落实《进一步提高产品、工程和服务质量行动方案(2022—2025年)》各项部署,围绕提高供给体系质量,更大力度保障优质产品、工程和服务有效供给。要围绕市场需求和群众关切,聚焦突出问题、明显短板和发展关键,坚持一个一个行业抓、一类一类产品抓,组织开展产业链质量提升,着力开展产业链质量共性技术联合攻关,更好支撑现代化产业体系优化升级。
4. Enhancing the quality and brand development capabilities of enterprises. Enterprises are the primary force in building a quality powerhouse. Enterprises shall be encouraged to develop and implement the production and operational strategies of winning the market by relying on quality, quality management concepts, methods, and tools shall be innovated on, and a new quality management system covering all employees, all factors, all processes, and all data shall be established and applied. Enterprises shall be encouraged to implement quality brand strategies, deepen the development of brand design, market promotion, brand maintenance, and other capabilities, and enhance management and operational capabilities in the entire brand lifecycle. Brand protection and rights protection shall be reinforced, and illegal acts such as infringements upon intellectual property rights and the production and sale of counterfeit and substandard commodities shall be severely cracked down on in accordance with the law to create a good environment for the development of enterprises with quality brands. (四)增强企业质量和品牌发展能力。企业是质量强国建设的主力军。鼓励企业制定实施以质取胜的生产经营战略,创新质量管理理念、方法、工具,建立和应用全员、全要素、全过程、全数据的新型质量管理体系。鼓励企业实施质量品牌战略,深化品牌设计、市场推广、品牌维护等能力建设,提高品牌全生命周期管理运营能力。要加强品牌保护和维权,依法严厉打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品等违法行为,为优质品牌企业发展创造良好环境。
5. Enhancing the efficiency of quality infrastructure services. The capacity of national, regional, and industrial quality infrastructures shall be strengthened, the measurement, standards, conformity assessment, and other technical services shall be strengthened, and the opening and sharing of data, instruments, equipment, and other resources shall be promoted. Activities such as providing measurement services to small and medium-sized enterprises and open days of national inspection and testing institutions shall be further promoted. One-stop quality infrastructure services shall be vigorously carried out, chambers of commerce and associations shall be encouraged and supported to actively participate in the services, and more support and assistance shall be provided for small and medium-sized enterprises and private enterprises. (五)提升质量基础设施服务效能。加强国家、区域、产业质量基础设施能力建设,强化计量、标准、合格评定等技术服务,推动数据、仪器、设备等资源开放共享。深入推进计量服务中小企业行、全国检验检测机构开放日等活动。大力开展质量基础设施“一站式”服务,鼓励和支持商会协会积极参与,强化对中小企业和民营企业的支持帮扶。
6. Enhancing the quality literacy of the public. Thematic publicity activities shall be designed, and quality publicity in schools, enterprises, government organs, rural areas, and communities shall be promoted to make the concept of building a quality powerhouse embraced by the people. Great efforts shall be made to carry out mass quality activities participated in by all parties, such as quality improvement, quality innovation, and labor and skill competitions, and carry forward the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor, and the spirit of craftsmanship. The development of quality culture shall be strengthened, the publicity and guiding role of news media shall be maximized, characteristic quality cultural works shall be produced and popularized, and advanced quality concepts and best practices shall be disseminated. The people shall be guided to actively participate in quality promotion, social supervision, and other activities to create a good atmosphere where the government prioritizes quality, enterprises pursue quality, the society advocates quality, and everyone cares about quality. (六)提高全民质量素养。策划主题宣传活动,推动质量宣传进校园、进企业、进机关、进农村、进社区,让质量强国深入人心。大力开展质量改进、质量创新、劳动和技能竞赛等全员参与的群众性质量活动,弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神。加强质量文化建设,发挥新闻媒体宣传引导作用,制作推广特色质量文化作品,传播先进质量理念和最佳实践。引导广大群众积极参与质量促进、社会监督等活动,营造政府重视质量、企业追求质量、社会崇尚质量、人人关心质量的良好氛围。
III. Key Arrangements   三、重点安排
1. Holding the China Quality (Chengdu) Conference. In September 2023, the China Quality (Chengdu) Conference will be held, sub-forums such as “Improving Quality and Building First-class Enterprises” and “Quality and Benefit-oriented Development of Private Enterprises” will be held, and typical cases of quality transformation and innovation by chief quality officers from enterprises nationwide and micro video works on the progress made in building China into a quality powerhouse shall be released, China's quality policies shall be publicized, international exchange and cooperation shall be promoted, and quality reform and innovation shall be promoted. (一)举办中国质量(成都)大会。2023年9月举办中国质量(成都)大会,召开“开展质量提升 建设一流企业”“民营企业质量效益型发展”等分论坛,发布全国企业首席质量官质量变革创新典型案例和质量强国建设微视频作品,宣传中国质量政策,推进国际交流合作,促进质量变革创新。
2. Holding “Quality Light—Exhibition of China Quality Management and Quality Innovation Achievements”. Advanced quality management experience shall be exhibited, quality management rules, models, and methods with Chinese characteristics shall be exchanged, Chinese quality brands shall be created, and Chinese quality stories shall be well told. (二)举办“质量之光——中国质量管理与质量创新成果展”。展示先进质量管理经验,交流中国特色质量管理制度、模式和方法,塑造中国质量品牌,讲好中国质量故事。
3. Implementing quality improvement actions in key fields. The work of improving the construction quality of water conservancy projects shall be furthered and the regulation, guidance, and supervision of standardization work of water conservancy groups shall be strengthened. The publicity activities of improving the quality of services in the cultural and tourism market shall be carried out, and the development of a quality culture in the industry shall be strengthened. The publicity and implementation of relevant standards in the field of civil affairs shall be organized in combination with the “Year for Enhancing the Regulatory Efficiency of Elderly Care Services” activities. (三)实施重点领域质量提升行动。深入实施水利工程建设质量提升工作,加强对水利团体标准化工作的规范、引导和监督。开展文化和旅游市场服务质量提升宣传活动,加强行业质量文化建设。结合“养老服务监管效能提升年”活动,组织实施民政领域相关标准宣贯工作。
4. Carrying out a series of law enforcement and anti-counterfeiting activities. Centering on “Online Sword Action 2023,” “Kunlun 2023” and other special actions, efforts shall be intensified to crack down on the illegal acts and crimes of infringements and counterfeiting. Special training sessions on handling criminal cases of endangering food and drug safety shall be carried out. Guiding cases for the comprehensive procuratorial protection of intellectual property rights and typical cases on the trial of criminal food and drug safety cases shall be released, the ability of the public to differentiate between good commodities and infringing and counterfeit commodities shall be improved, and people shall consciously and voluntarily resist infringing and counterfeit commodities. (四)开展执法打假系列活动。围绕开展“剑网2023”“昆仑2023”等专项行动,加大打击侵权假冒违法犯罪力度。开展危害食品药品安全犯罪案件办理专题培训。发布知识产权检察综合保护指导性案例,发布食品药品安全刑事审判典型案例,提高广大人民群众对侵权假冒商品的分辨能力,自觉主动抵制侵权假冒商品。
5. Intensifying the supervision and random inspections of key products. The national supervision and random inspections of product quality shall be strengthened, and 142 types of key products shall be inspected. Centering on 10 types of products, such as satellite navigation vehicle terminals of road transport vehicles, polymer waterproof materials, and oil spill dispersants, pilot activities of product quality supervision and random inspections, and joint random inspections by ministries and provinces in the transportation industry shall be carried out. The special monitoring of quality safety risks in imported and exported commodities shall be strengthened. (五)深化重点产品监督抽查。加强产品质量国家监督抽查,覆盖142种各类重点产品。围绕道路运输车辆卫星导航车载终端、高分子防水材料、溢油分散剂等10类产品,开展交通运输行业产品质量监督抽查、部省联动抽查试点活动。加强进出口商品质量安全风险专项监测。
6. Promoting the oversight conducted by inspection and testing institutions through the random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results. The joint regulatory mechanism shall be continuously improved, and in-depth investigations shall be conducted to effectively mitigate potential risks. The supervision and random inspections conducted by inspection and testing institutions through the random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results shall be continuously strengthened, especially in natural resources, ecology and environment, motor vehicle inspection, and other key fields. (六)推进检验检测机构“双随机、一公开”监管。不断完善联合监管机制,深入排查和有效降低风险隐患。围绕自然资源、生态环境、机动车检验等重点领域,持续加强检验检测机构“双随机、一公开”监督抽查活动。
7. Carrying out quality and brand promotion competition activities. The “Made in China” brand story contest shall be held, the activities of enterprise brand story solicitation shall be carried out, and quality and brand knowledge contests shall be organized to further popularize and promote brand concepts and brand culture and enhance the brand awareness of all employees. (七)开展质量品牌推广竞赛活动。举办“中国制造”品牌故事大赛,开展企业品牌故事征文,组织质量品牌知识竞赛,进一步普及推广品牌理念、品牌文化,提升全员品牌意识。
8. Strengthening the publicity and implementation of basic quality training. The system-based opening up of financial standards shall be furthered, and the standardized and high-quality development of financial group standards shall be promoted. A batch of relevant standards and metrological verification rules in the transportation field shall be released. The publicity and implementation of agricultural and rural standards and the technical training for research and implementation shall be carried out. The sharing and exchange of quality management experience between enterprises and experts shall be organized. The activities of technical services for the quality of agricultural materials shall be carried out. (八)加强质量基础培训宣贯。深化金融标准制度型开放,促进金融团体标准规范优质发展。发布一批交通运输领域相关标准和计量检定规程。开展农业农村标准宣贯和研制实施技术培训。举办企业、专家质量管理经验分享和交流。开展农资质量技术服务活动。
9. Promoting grassroots mass quality activities. The national innovation contest on “five smalls” (small suggestions, small innovations, small breakthroughs, small inventions, and small creations) for employees shall be organized. Quality management team activities shall be held in key areas and industries to popularize and demonstrate the achievements and deeds of excellent quality teams, trustworthy quality teams, and excellent quality managers to guide general employees to establish a strong awareness of quality and excellence. (九)推动基层群众性质量活动。组织开展全国职工“五小”创新大赛。在重点区域和行业,举办质量管理小组活动,推广展示优秀质量小组、质量信得过班组、优秀质量管理者成果和事迹,引导广大职工树立强烈的质量意识和精品意识。
IV. Work Requirements   四、工作要求
1. Attaching great importance and extensively mobilizing all forces. All regions and departments shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Notice, strengthen leadership and coordination, specify activities, refine work plans, ensure meticulous planning and deployment, cooperate in advancing the activities, and ensure practical results. They shall adhere to the downward shift of focus, mobilize all walks of life and the grassroots to extensively carry out mass quality activities, and foster a societal wave towards building China into a quality powerhouse. (一)高度重视,广泛动员。各地区各部门要根据通知要求,加强领导、强化统筹,明确活动内容,细化工作方案,做好策划,周密部署,协同推进,务求实效。要坚持重心下移,动员各行各业和基层一线广泛开展群众性质量活动,在全社会掀起建设质量强国的热潮。
2. Diligently organizing activities and innovating on forms. Activities that are both entertaining and educational for the people shall be actively organized and carried out, the Internet and other resources shall be fully used to carry out online and offline theme activities to make the “Quality Month” activities more colorful and make quality awareness more deeply rooted among the people. The publicity posters for activities shall be published on the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation ( for all entities to download and publicize. (二)精心组织,创新形式。积极组织开展群众喜闻乐见、寓教于乐的活动,充分利用互联网等资源,线上线下结合开展主题活动,让“质量月”活动更加丰富多彩,让质量意识更加深入人心。市场监管总局网站(将发布活动主题宣传海报,供各单位下载宣传。
3. Raising strict requirements and improving practical results. All relevant parties shall strictly implement the spirit of the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct and the detailed rules for the implementation thereof, and carry out activities in an economical and efficient manner. They shall adhere to the principles of voluntary participation without imposing an undue burden on enterprises, shall not force any enterprise to participate in the activities, and shall strictly prohibit apportionment of charges or tie-in charges under the disguise of activities. (三)严格要求,增进实效。各有关方面要严格贯彻落实中央八项规定及其实施细则精神,简朴、高效开展活动。坚持自愿参加、不增加企业负担的原则,不得强制企业参与活动,严禁借活动名义向企业摊派收费、搭车收费。
All regions and departments shall strengthen guidance on the progress of activities, promptly summarize them after the completion of the activities, report the information on relevant activities and typical cases, and submit photos and videos, among others, to the State Administration for Market Regulation. 各地区各部门要对活动开展情况加强指导,活动结束后及时总结,并将有关活动情况、典型案例、图片及视频等报送市场监管总局。
Annexes: 附件:
1. Major Activities Conducted by Joint Sponsors in the 2023 National Quality Month (Omitted) 1. 2023年全国“质量月”联合主办单位开展的主要活动
2. Major Activities Conducted by Relevant Federations and Associations in the 2023 National Quality Month (Omitted) 2.2023年全国“质量月”相关联合会、协会开展的主要活动
3. Major Activities Conducted in the 2023 National Quality Month (Omitted) 3.2023年全国“质量月”各地开展的主要活动
4. Slogan for Activities in the 2023 National Quality Month (Omitted) 4.2023年全国“质量月”活动口号
State Administration for Market Regulation 市场监管总局
Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee 中央宣传部
Supreme People's Court 最高人民法院
Supreme People's Procuratorate 最高人民检察院
National Development and Reform Commission 国家发展改革委
Ministry of Education 教育部
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 工业和信息化部
Ministry of Public Security 公安部
Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部
Ministry of Natural Resources 自然资源部
Ministry of Ecology and Environment 生态环境部
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development 住房城乡建设部
Ministry of Transport 交通运输部
Ministry of Water Resources 水利部
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs 农业农村部
Ministry of Commerce 商务部
Ministry of Culture and Tourism 文化和旅游部
National Health Commission 国家卫生健康委
The People's Bank of China 中国人民银行
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council 国务院国资委
General Administration of Customs 海关总署
China International Development Cooperation Agency 国家国际发展合作署
All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives 供销合作总社
All-China Federation of Trade Unions 全国总工会
All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce 全国工商联
August 31, 2023 2023年8月31日

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